Saturday, January 8, 2011

Leland and I created this on Photoshop in the summer of 2010

"Independence" created in 2010

"Brittany" created in 2010

"I'm Foreign in My Own Mind" 2010

"Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis" Spread awareness! created in 2010

"Tyler Roush" 2010

Throughout time

" Fuck Death" Part of a series I did as a senior portfolio: "Experiencing My Father's Death: Past, Present, and Future."

Figure Drawing 2010

I made this for my boyfriend the Christmas of 2010.

"Holding the Monster Within" Exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School. 

Part of a series I did as a senior portfolio: "Experiencing My Father's Death: Past, Present, and Future."Exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School. 

"Remember" is part of a series I did as a senior portfolio: "Experiencing My Father's Death: Past, Present, and Future."Has been Exhibited at the "Voted Most Likely..." in the year  2010 at The Mill Street Loft, and at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School. 

"Dreaming of Cotton Candy" has been exhibited in the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School, and in the Dutches County Fair in the year 2010 in pastels.

"Senior Year" is based on the Experience I felt in 12th grade. Created in the year 2010. 

"Sex In the Kitchen"  2010

"I thought you took my heart, but it was only me." Based off of a friendship I had that turned out not to last as long as we thought it would. 

The Sculpture"Anxious"is based off of the emotion; being happy and nervous at the same time. Exhibited in "Teen Visions 2010" at Vassar College through Mill Street Loft Summer Intensive, and in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.

"Artist's Movement" has been exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School, and  in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.

"Blue Kiss" has been exhibited in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.

"Listen" is based off of a Cold Play concert. The Butterflies were the confetti from the concert in summer of 2009. Exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School, and  in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.

"Capricorn" has been exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School, in "Teen Visions 2010" at Vassar College through Mill Street Loft Summer Intensive, and in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.
"Eggs in a Basket" Acrylic paint off of a pallet knife. Exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School, and in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.

"I'll Never Tell" has been exhibited in the at the Senior Show in the year 2010 at Stissing Mountain High School, in the Dutches County Fair in the year 2010 in Portraits it won 1st prize, and in the Mill Street Summer Intensive year of 2009.

"Was He Ever Real" is a part of a series I did as a senior portfolio: "Experiencing My Father's Death: Past, Present, and Future."